Frequently Asked Question

How do I add an event to the calendar?
Last Updated 10 years ago

You can create an event by duplicating an existing one in T4 and then mirroring it to myPortal. Watch the video (you must be logged into myPortal) or follow the following steps:

  1. Log into T4 and click on the Events section (if this is a private event, do this in the myPortal >> Events section and skip step 5).
  2. Click on the Content tab and hover over an existing event's yellow arrow and click Duplicate.
  3. Choose Events again from the site structure, and it will place the duplicated event back into the Events section after you rename it.
  4. Click Modify Event for the content you duplicated and update the information with your event.
  5. Once that has been saved, choose Mirror Content from it's yellow drop-down arrow and choose the myPortal >> Events section. Now the event will show up on the public site and on the myPortal site.

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